With a little help from a friend


The hardest thing about moving to a new country is being away from the people closest to you. To some of you it might be parents, sisters or brothers, but to me that are my friends. The ones that know pretty much everything about me and we'd always be there for each other. You know those days when you don't have will to do anything on your own but if you had that one person with you you'd go here and there, take them to all the places you like, share your previous explorations and explore new places. It's nice to have some alone time, but everything's better in two.

I was always a loner. Preferred spending time in my bedroom, laying on bed, listening to music or reading books rather than going out with a group of people and just sit there cos I'd never have anything to say. I'm not sure at what point that changed. When did I become the person that needs plus one. Maybe after months spent exploring alone, being alone, having 24 hours of the day just for myself. I needed my best friends here. Every other  time we'd talk to each other I'd probably end up in tears. Thinking about hugging them, holding their hand and doing the things we would do back home. An important piece of my life was missing and so was one from their.

In May, after seven months spent apart, my best friend came to visit me. It was one of the happiest days so far. I couldn't hold back the tears at the airport when I hugged him.

Photo taken by: Aga Swiderska
The time we had was wonderful even tho it was really short and the weather was typical Amsterdam Winter when it was supposed to be Spring. There are so many more places we want to see together, where I want to take him, but we need time. Which we hardly have with the "grown up life". But we'll manage. Cos we managed through everything for twelve years and distance is just another thing along the way we can use in our advance.

Here are some photos from May 1st when we met up with my, now our, friend Aga and walked around the city. Some closer to the end will be from another days when we were on our own and some moments at home.

We didn't take that many photos. It was one of those moments in life I'd rather be 100% living than looking at in through the viewfinder of a camera.

Taken by Aga Swiderska

Taken by Aga Swiderska

IG:  Damjan and Aga

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