29/8/2016 - Afternoon with Bruno


In a previous post I mentioned my friend Bruno, who's and aspiring folk singer-songwriter. He plays on the street sometimes, writes songs and music, gathers inspiration from the musicians that inspired him and the life itself. This summer he had his first gig on the "Pick-Up music festival (acoustic night)" and shortly after that they asked him to play on a street festival in Karlovac.
You can check out his band here : Bruno Šlat & Hazer El Mi

Karlovac is a rather small town but with so many artsy people trying to revive it's cultural scene. Once you get into those circles you don't get out, you don't want to. This year different associations were very active and tried hard to animate people through the entire year. Right now they organise different parties/ concerts / art shows / workshops, etc. so there's more and more to do in Karlovac during the weekend.

Anyway, let's get back to Bruno. Couple days after his first gig ever he asked me to take some photos he could use for the upcoming album. The location had to be somewhere in nature, outside town and in the afternoon. As I live in the countryside it was pretty easy to find a place like that. He came and we went straight to the forest and tried different spots.
I'm still new to using a DSLR camera so these are just my beginner tries which I'd like to share with you. I must admit that it's much easier for me to use an analogue manual SLR that a digital camera, but I'm getting used to it.

I'm a sucker for multiple exposures, kaleidoscope-looking effects and shadow play so there will always be some photos looking that way. Also I prefer analogue photography because of the warmth of the photography when you develop the film. I try to transfer that feel to digital photographs while editing them.

This one is definitely my favourite photo from that day. I want to thank Bruno for being such a wonderful model and being my first one. We're both camera shy when it comes to others taking our photos but because of that we could understand each other and help get comfortable. I hope we'll do many more shootings in the future.

What do you think of the photos? Any suggestions?
Thank you for reading!

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  1. I've fell in love with your blog, and the photography style is so beautiful!

    Check out my recent?
    lilymae123.blogspot.com ♥

  2. Wow! Photo very beautiful and atmospheric!

  3. Really nice photos and I've been following you on Instagram but I just know that you have a blog. And oh, I love the meadow <3

    1. Thank you Isti <3 yeah we've been following each other on ig for quite a while, but i started blogging just kinda recently even tho i've been wanting to do it for years. ^^

