

Hello Everyone!
I'm Tea [Teah], a 19 year-old girl from Karlovac,Croatia. Student of information and communication sciences, linguaphile, art and nature lover. A dreamer and a melancholic born few decades too late. I like fashion, styling and combining things that at first might seem as they don't go together, one day dress minimalistic, another colorful, vintage...someday I wear makeup someday I don't, or keep it to the minimum. So my style is a mix of many and it's kinda the same ever since I was a child.

I've been wanting to start a fashion blog for years but never had the courage or right motivation to start and keep it doing. Now, the time has finally come and I'll try to post every few days. You'll get to know me and my interests through posts, and I'd also like to get to know you through comments. Hopefully you'll like this blog and want to read it.
Thank you in advance! 😊

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