cute organizing products from Wayfair’s Weekend Clearance sale
’tis the season for all the organizing! more than ever, my house is feeling
overwhelming full of clutter...
Last time there was this much snow was probably while I was studying in Rijeka. First year of living away from home, winter holidays ended and I had to get back cos of classes. Of course there was no snow for Christmas or New Years Eve, but as soon as I left a lot fell and parents were sending me photos of my little sister playing in it. Having a big slide and basically a full playground made from a snow mountain.
I'm definitely not a lover of cold weather but seeing so much (dry) snow after so many years makes me happy and reminisce about childhood when it was a completely normal occurrence. It does look pretty and really is beautiful unless you need to go somewhere or stay outside for long cos then you'll hate the bellow 0°C temperatures and your multiple-layers outfit which is still not warm enough.
Portraits taken during our walk down the breakwater this weekend while visiting Rijeka.
The weather was pretty good considering that day earlier it was raining, it was windy but not that much to be able to see the islands clearly.
This moment and shots taken in it reminded me of some Icelandic crime/mystery tv series. So keep that in mind while scrolling down haha. Happy February lovelies!
Here's a look from 2 weeks ago which I kept postponing to post here.
The weather was pretty warm for those few days so I finally wore dungarees and trainers which I've been missing.
We are deep into December, end of the year is quickly approaching and cities are decorated for Christmas which is only two weekends away. Sparkly streets put us in the mood, so does the smell of street food and mulled wine which keeps us warm in the cold weather.
Last year for Advent I visited Budapest ( about which you can read more here ), this year it happened to be Ljubljana. The trip happened more or less unplanned. Cousin, mom, sister and I were talking about having a "Girls advent" but haven't made and exact plans. Friday evening mom texted me to be ready by 10am cos we're leaving for Slovenia.
There's nothing sweeter than spontaneous trips.